Originally Posted by Ezekiel
Read the Harvard Republican Club's Letter Blasting Donald Trump

Dear Members and Alumni,
In every presidential election since 1888, the members and Executive Board of the Harvard Republican Club have gathered to discuss, debate, and eventually endorse the standard-bearer of our party. But for the first time in 128 years, we, the oldest College Republicans chapter in the nation, will not be endorsing the Republican nominee.
Perhaps most importantly, however, Donald Trump simply does not possess the temperament and character necessary to lead the United States through an increasingly perilous world. The last week should have made obvious to all what has been obvious to most for more than a year. In response to any slight –perceived or real– Donald Trump lashes out viciously and irresponsibly. In Trump’s eyes, disagreement with his actions or his policies warrants incessant name calling and derision: stupid, lying, fat, ugly, weak, failing, idiot –and that’s just his “fellow” Republicans.
He isn’t eschewing political correctness. He is eschewing basic human decency.


The Havard Republican Club represents all that is wrong with America: a group of snooty, elitist snobs who think that just because they've "studied" something, their considered opinion is worth more than a Real Man's gut feeling.

Every Real Man knows that a vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for the emasculation of each and every man in America. In the face of that threat, how could a man's man like Donald J. Trump be anything but a good choice for every Right Thinking American?

How eager they are to be slaves - Tiberius Caesar

Coulda tripped out easy, but I've changed my ways - Donovan