Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
The "polls-plus" forecast on FiveThirtyEight is lagging the "Now-cast" by less than 12%. 78.4% to 90%. That is getting into comfort territory for me, anyway, but I am terribly concerned about the absolute Sh!tstorm that is about to be unleashed on the public. Bannon will drag everyone into the gutter and then roll them around in the slime. Goebbels was an amateur, I tell you!! (And he didn't have the internet)
Did Bannon write Trump's pathetic outreach to Black Americans yesterday? LOL

Trump embedded the “exceptional negro” disclaimer that lets white voters know he’s only talking to the good ones who “want a different and much better future,” (Ben Carson, Herman Caine) as opposed to those other blacks who are happy on the "Democrat plantation" (takers of freebies).

Contrarian, extraordinaire