My head is spinning with all the pivoting.

He's going to lose the white sheet vote too at this rate.

Full steam ahead in the Trumptanic. (note to mods this is describing the campaign and not the person)

Although there do appear to be some signs of an actual campaign developing. Trump has finally got into the air war in some of the swing states, but at a paltry fraction of clintons spending. A good few rallies have been cancelled in deep blue states where he had no chance anyway. The "new" immigration message might have worked if he had not already sh!t the bed on that. His outreach to minorities moderate republicans may also work to a minor degree but again, hes rolling in another pile of his own excrement there.

National polls are showing a mild tightening in the national race, but Trump is taking a hammering in the swing states.

Next few weeks will be interesting. I had expected more of a down ticket exodus already, but the RNC will try to extract as much cash as possible before jumping in the lifeboats.

The campaign narrative will probably refocus on not giving a Clinton a blank cheque as president a la the 96 race. I'm Bob Dole and I don't approve of this message.

"The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use the words."
(Philip K.Dick)