Sorry to do this but it needs to be said:
The atmosphere in the United States is starting to resemble pre-Nazi Germany right before the Reichstag bombing, or maybe right around the time of the infamous "Beer Hall Putsch".
And I predict that WIN or LOSE, Trump supporters WILL become VERY VIOLENT and regardless of your position on guns, you would be well advised to prepare in some way no matter which way the election goes.
If Trump WINS, supporters will feel entitled to embark on a type of Kristallnacht style "cleansing" as part of their perceived "mandate" because they have been told in no uncertain terms by their Cheeto Savior to "make America great again", and for most of them that starts with attacking, eliminating or outright exterminating all objectionable and undesirable people.
If Trump LOSES, supporters will STILL embark on "days of rage" style violence to take out their frustrations, for a variety of reasons, ranging from perceived "rigged elections" to a mandate for "Second Amendment Types" to remedy the electoral loss, which is entirely unacceptable to them, to undertaking what THEY believe is their moral imperative to prevent the machinery of democracy to move forward, because democracy is not to be trusted in the hands of anyone who dares to vote for Hillary Clinton.
So, WIN OR LOSE, expect varying levels of violence from Trump supporters.

In EU and UK, senseless white rioting usually takes place during soccer matches. All other riot style activity is usually political.
Here we do not have "soccer hooligans" but "football violence" is on the uptick inside the stadiums.
It has not reached NEAR the proportions or levels reached overseas however.

But I predict that a Trump loss WILL trigger the kind of mayhem normally associated with "soccer hooligans" only with the added flavor of GUN violence on top of it.
And NATURALLY Trump and his right wing media will desperately attempt to portray it as "leftist violence".

"The Best of the Leon Russell Festivals" DVD