I do not think it is very likely at all that any person in the heat of a presidential campaign would seriously change their mind on any issue. I believe they come into the race with a set of "principles" and a set of "beliefs". They design a set of policies based on those principles and beliefs and try to sell people on them.

Mr Trump's outreach to blacks should be seen for what it is, pandering. If he wanted to demonstrate his "authenticity", he should have had a history minority community visitations and dialogue.

I believe people do not change their core beliefs overnight. It takes years of introspection and inner argumentation to convince a people to change those positions.

As a related aside, I should note Mr Trump's inability to maintain a coherent position on immigration should be not only a warning but an omen of what to expect from his possible election.

ignorance is the enemy
without equality there is no liberty
Save America - Lock Trump Up!!!!