when i was much younger, i considered the failures of our system of government and played with the idea we needed to take it down and build a better system.

Perhaps I should revisit those ideas (I quizzically ask myself)?

The problem I see is in as you point out, a hyper-partisan political world, there would be no consensus and thus no document. Some of the right wing nuts have already written that Pres Obama will cancel the elections, declare martial law, and anoint himself president for life.

Pres Obama could tell the American people the government created by the Constitution can no longer function as intended or it can no longer fulfill its Constitutional mandate, that he would take control as interim president until a tyrant could be appointed or elected. Maybe he could nullify all laws enacted since 1789 and allow men to be truly free. Maybe a dystopian America is closer than I think.

ignorance is the enemy
without equality there is no liberty
Save America - Lock Trump Up!!!!