After Loggy said:
What would Mark Twain do with this kind of material...?

NWP said:

Maye he would laugh until he cried if he read this. One of Sarah Palin's fans said this:

"Well good be mad at me if I ask there be no antibiotic for this strain of pnamonia? Ok fine. God please heal her so she can keep killing us off."

This word salad master didn't fall far from the Palin tree. Are the first two words supposed to be "Will God"? And what the heck is "pnamonia"? This brainiak probably asked somebody how to spell pneumonia and could only pay attention long enough to hear the first two letters.

And if Hillary is killing "us" off, how could she have missed this dodo bird?

Last edited by Spag-hetti; 09/16/16 12:58 AM. Reason: y-d, wide

Just a Missouri school teacher ... stubborn as a mule and addicted to logic.