A moment of clarity - to many of us, Trump is so obviously an unprincipled con artist that we can't even consider him seriously, and it is stupidly easy to list his failings.

But to Trump supporters, they do not recognize a con artist, even one so blatant as il Douche. His pitches unfetter their normally socially unacceptable desires and gives them justification to be angry and irrational.

Rational thought and unfettered desire are contrary and cannot exist in the same space. Logic, facts and reason will not work to change the minds of Trump supporters.

On the other hand, Clinton cannot use Trump's tactics against him because her supporters are those who are not so easily taken in by a con and do not want to be subjected to one. And trump supporters won't be turned against him because he sets them free.

I think that Clinton needs to understand this and not try out ploys like "deplorable", even though it is obviously true.

You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete.
R. Buckminster Fuller