I may be corresponding from jail after being convicted for sedition. Or maybe just the firing squad? Either way they will need to shut me up.
Ted Nugent had similar words to say regarding Obama. he's neither dead nor in jail and somehow survived the Obama years just as we will soldier on through the wars and economic destruction which are pretty much inevitable should Republicans be handed complete control.
If we created the monster we have to know how to stop him. I believe Obama knows how to do that, and Clinton, if she's wise, will pay very close attention.
I'm not sure what President Obama would be able to do if Trump wins. Even if the Republican led Congress should decide to impeach him in the next couple years we'd still have Pence sitting in the oval office.
Clinton and her team are surely paying very close attention to what is going on. Just as his primary opponents did. He was a joke at first without a chance at winning. Then he was up in the polls. One by one they crashed and burned despite going farther right than any candidates in history.
"Never Trump" became "Long Live The King".

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...