You really need the video so you can soak up the staccato litany of lies from Hannity

at which point was Mr Trump ever coherent ... or had thoughtful answers to anything .... or even really answered a question?

and yet .... this is the very thing the ignorant masses of America want in a leader ... ignorance .... stupidity .... loud .... incoherent yelling .... visceral solutions to everything .... etc

check out his advisors .... from early on, extremists were attracted to him ... did they see an opportunity to invade the mainstream? .... this has been promoted about the alt-right and it is probably fairly accurate ....

can anyone imagine foreign policy dictated by Gen Flynn ... religion by right wing extremists ... domestic policy by Mr "Steal it to make me great" Trump himself

the dystopian future may be now

ignorance is the enemy
without equality there is no liberty
Save America - Lock Trump Up!!!!