Creepy video... That woman apparently didn't care about the size of il Douche's thing. He musta used his ego on her, or delegated the job.

Hey! I just found a dictionary definition for Trump supporters!! (Well, technically it is an adjective that works particularly good with 'morans')

adjective: abject

1. (of a situation or condition) extremely bad, unpleasant, and degrading.
"abject poverty"
synonyms: wretched, miserable, hopeless, pathetic, pitiful, pitiable, piteous, sorry, woeful, lamentable, degrading, appalling, atrocious, awful
"abject poverty"
(of an unhappy state of mind) experienced to the maximum degree.
"his letter plunged her into abject misery"

2. (of a person or their behavior) completely without pride or dignity; self-abasing.
"an abject apology"
synonyms: contemptible, base, low, vile, worthless, debased, degraded, despicable, ignominious, mean, unworthy, ignoble
"an abject sinner"
obsequious, groveling, fawning, toadyish, servile, cringing, sycophantic, submissive, craven
"an abject apology"

You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete.
R. Buckminster Fuller