Originally Posted by Ezekiel
Voter satisfaction with the choice of presidential candidates, already at a two-decade low, has declined even further. A new survey finds that just a third of registered voters say they are very or fairly satisfied with the choices, while 63% say they are not too or not at all satisfied. That represents a 7-percentage-point drop since June in the share of voters expressing satisfaction with their candidate choices.
I keep wondering (as we all are) how things have gotten so irrational. My opinion, as a broad generalization, is that a pervasive attitude of negativity is blanketing the world. I suspect it comes from the stress that humanity, overbearing and overpopulated as it is, is placing upon the planet. Our "growth", as a species, and our pro-growth ideologies, are no different than cancer in any organism. The symptoms are terrorism, hate, pollution, greed, territorialism, anger, denial...

What is the cure for cancer on the Earth?

You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete.
R. Buckminster Fuller