So many facts about il Douche that contradict other facts:

He's super smart and successful, yet he pays no taxes because of massive business losses?

He has attacked everyone (and their dog and cat) for not supporting America financially, yet he takes advantage of every loophole (and then some, given his continual state of tax audit) and pays no taxes himself?

He fat shames any woman who crosses him yet thinks his own obesity is admirable?

He castigates companies for off-shore production of goods yet has clothing lines made in Mexico and China?

He can be excused for such astoundingly deplorable incongruences because of his mental illness, but what excuses can his supporters claim? Making him POTUS will help neither him nor us. But it would make good copy for the history books!

You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete.
R. Buckminster Fuller