Ok, let me see.

Trump reports a $916 million loss on his taxes, so he doesn't have to pay any taxes until he earns back that amount. I heard 18 years somewhere.

So, by funneling the profits of his book and other large payments into his charity foundation, they weren't income, so he didn't owe taxes on them, and they weren't counted toward that $916 million. Then he used that foundation as a piggy bank.

I still can't think of Trump as smart. After all, he lost the $916 million in one year in the first place ... by riding high. I do think the Trump employees who always get paid are the best/worst financial experts money can buy.

Talk about hubris! Nobody looked into his shady deals until he begged for the spotlight by running for president. Like all cockroaches, he should have known to avoid the light.

Just a Missouri school teacher ... stubborn as a mule and addicted to logic.