Just a couple of observations on the presentments of Trump surrogates; Trump better than a woman in the White House.

Giulianini first... I think his problem is that his glasses are so bent out of shape that he can't see straight.

The woman in the interview... she seems to have caught what Mitch McConnell is suffering from (remember where he blames Obama for not telling him that the bill allowing lawsuits against Saudi Arabia is a bad idea?); her version is that in an interview responding to Trump saying Hillary is not faithful to Bill, that she is dragging Donald into "gutter politics". Come to think of it, that's just like how Obama caused racism in America to flare up again - he flaunted his 'blackness' just to divide people!

I think I'm finally starting to get a grasp on Conservative thinking, and I like its playful absurdity!

You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete.
R. Buckminster Fuller