Interesting how some of the most scathing criticism of Trump is coming from the right:

There are a lot of folks out there who, like me, don’t care one bit for Hillary Clinton — 53 percent of you, according to the latest Real Clear Politics average. Whether you are Republicans or Bernie bros or just people who have fully functioning auditory systems, you don’t trust her, don’t think she is in touch with your concerns, and don’t really want her to be president.
I come before you today, Hillary haters, as one of your standard-bearers. I find her utterly loathsome. I literally wrote a book on her failures — you can buy it for the low, low price of 99 cents on Amazon dot com. I started the first anti-Hillary super PAC of the presidential cycle back in 2013. My bona fides are real.
But here is the painful reality. As truly awful as Hillary Clinton is, Donald Trump is far, FAR worse. It is not even close. Trump is a clear and present danger to our republic. And no matter how deep and abiding your mistrust is of Hillary, you cannot pull the lever for Trump. Let a charter member of the vast, right-wing anti-Clinton conspiracy convince you.

The Ringer

"The liberals can understand everything but people who don't understand them."
Lenny Bruce

"The cleverest of all, in my opinion, is the man who calls himself a fool at least once a month."