Well, the latest Clinton Derangement Syndrome symptom seems to be the emails. You know, for doing what Colin Powell did, and using something other than the State Department server. (Although he used AOL, that extremely high security latest technology system. NOT!)

Although why on earth they think an email server with thousands of users getting phished and viruses and keyloggers and kept secure by federal government IT employees would be safer than a server just used by one user with a private consultant running security. I thought government employees could do nothing right and privatization was the Republican answer to everything?

And while she had no security break-ins, we should prosecute her when several Congressmen purposefully leaked info from security briefings for partisan reasons. But they are Republicans so it must be okay.

I think the Obama administration should announce they are going to charge everybody who purposefully leaked secret info after signing a classified info letter. That would be good for a few laughs!