Rick astutely pointed this out:

Donald Trump calls Hillary Clinton a 'globalist.' He's the one that off-shores his branded items
Donald Trump goes after Bill Clinto for being a perv; yet it is Donald Trump who says he just goes up to women and kisses them and grabs their pu55y.
For two debates, Donald Trump is sniffling. 'Some say' it's cocaine. He wants to drug test Hillary.

A couple of other things

Trump bragged publicly that he was allowed to walk into the changing rooms of beauty pageants. Women come forward saying that he did, indeed, walk into the changing room at a teen pageant, for crying out loud.

Trump bragged that he gave money to politicians of both stripes because he got things in return. He was caught using his 'charity' to give money to Pam Bondi's campaign right when her office was considering legal action against Trump University. Ok, ok, here's the Wiki

Trump publicly said he wished Russia would hack Hillary Clinton's email. The Russians hacked her campaign email. (Because she no longer used the private server, I guess.)

Trump bragged that he could kiss and grab women by the purr without consent or even friendly feelings, apparently, and get away with it because he is a star. Women have come forward, reporting incidents exactly like that. (And whether he was lying when he said it, or when he said he was lying when he said it, doesn't that make him a liar either way?)

About that drug test challenge
Trump's campaign has gone way dark in recent weeks. Do you think it's because he's jonesing, just in case she takes him up on it? That would probably qualify as debate prep.

The way Hillary Clinton's popularity rating remains ridiculously low in spite of her qualifications, maybe Trump is the only guy she could beat. I imagine she appreciates his help.

Just a Missouri school teacher ... stubborn as a mule and addicted to logic.