Originally Posted by Greger
You have to be so fed up you want to crash the system.
And there you have it PIA. Their elected officials have been telling them for years that government IS the problem. That belief has become so pervasive that now they have aligned against even their own party in their desire to bring government down.
Needless to say, none of them have actually considered the implications should they achieve that goal.
...from the 'scortched earth' thread:

Originally Posted by pdx rick
Interesting comment to this article on the LA Times site:

It's important for us to still have right-wingers and conservative Republicans for a while so we can keep our museums going and show our grandchildren what they were like. Republicans are purposely sabotaging our government: Just think about this for a moment. Republican politicians run on the premise that “government is bad.” So, why would they ever try to help make government more efficient and effective? They wouldn’t. In fact, they go out of their way to ensure that the government operates as poorly as possible so they can campaign on the notion that government is bad – so that they’ll get elected to that very same government. They’re literally causing the very problems in our government that they use to stir up anti-government sentiment among conservatives to get elected. Sadly, most conservatives fail to see this.

Contrarian, extraordinaire