Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
I choose to be optimistic today: that in a week, the election will be over; that Hillary Clinton will have secured over 300 Electoral College votes and the popular vote by a 4%+ margin; that the Senate will return to democratic control, allowing administrative and judicial nominees to be considered and confirmed; and that Donald Trump will grudgingly accept defeat, ending the nightmare. My hope is that the Senate will quickly confirm Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court, and that a chastened GOP will look to reform their party's image by finding compromise, starting with immigration. (Okay, that last may be seriously wishful thinking, but I did say "hope.")

I expect that in short order lawsuits against Trump will come to trial widely exposing his avarice and dirty dealing, and that nothing will come of the Clinton email probe, shocking absolutely no one. There will be further revelations about hacking, and Syria will continue to be a humanitarian disaster and military quagmire (we can't have everything) amid further Russian and Chinese adventurism and mischief.
My thoughts as well. Kindred-spirits? smile

Contrarian, extraordinaire