What the Trump campaign has clearly demonstrated is that an uneducated, alienated population (Repubs not only to blame for this, the Dems have their share in the neoliberal economic policies that have assailed the country for decades) can be easily manipulated and "radicalized" to burn down the barn when things don't go their way. It has further proven that there is a spiritual blackout in this country, in the words of Colonel West:

THE MOST FRIGHTENING feature of the civic melancholia in present-day America is the relative collapse of integrity, honesty, and decency — an undeniable spiritual blackout of grand proportions. The sad spectacle of the presidential election is no surprise. Rather, the neofascist catastrophe called Donald Trump and the neoliberal disaster named Hillary Clinton are predictable symbols of our spiritual blackout. Trump dislodged an inert conservative establishment by unleashing an ugly contempt for liberal elites and vulnerable citizens of color — and the mainstream media followed every performance (even his tweets!) for financial gain. Clinton laid bare a dishonest liberal establishment that was unfair to Bernie Sanders and obsessed with winning at any cost — and the mainstream media selectively weighed in for pecuniary ends.

Boston Globe

It has been perpetrated by the ruling classes of both parties. If ever there were a case to be made for a third/fourth/fifth party that would be now.
If ever there were a case to made for strengthening the education system and NOT allowing any fool with a bullhorn to poison the minds of the people, that would be now.
If ever there were a case to begin a process of - for the first time in this country's history - economic and social justice, that time would DEFINITELY BE NOW.
Guns, violence and rhetoric (on any side of the spectrum) do not address the problem and certainly do not help to solve it.
There are many reasons for this death-spiral into which the U.S. has currently unraveled, and understanding those reasons is surely important. But, doing something to change their raison d'etre is infinitely more important. And I'm not convinced that a Clinton victory will achieve that. It may only retard the descent.
It is the responsibility of every one who recognizes the danger to put pressure on the government to begin to engender that change.
In other words, complacency (of the type that occurred after Obama was elected) is no longer an option. Either we do it now, or we stand to face a MUCH WORSE scenario four years hence.

"The liberals can understand everything but people who don't understand them."
Lenny Bruce

"The cleverest of all, in my opinion, is the man who calls himself a fool at least once a month."