I mean really .... how did this character ever convict anyone .... he can not follow the facts to their logical conclusion

the first statement about knowing something was about to be released and it was big probably does not pertain to a political ad, so he almost had to be talking about something else .... and now the reader may speculate as to what ... in hindsight it may appear he was talking about the "letter" but it could have just as easily been Assange notifying the mayor of some new smoking gun wiki's

the problem is his statement on radio when he confirmed to the host he had currently employed FBI agents feeding him red meat for Trump, but later in the day he denied it. One of those statements is a lie.

Now it could have been he exaggerated his connection as there is a former agent, a Trump supporter, who has apparently been lying about the investigations, but he has denied current contact as well. Both of these characters were being feed the same "facts" from the FBI, now known as Full Blown Insurrectionists.

Based on their interviews I have concluded it is more likely, than not, someone in the FBI is feeding at least one of them information/disinformation meant to damage the Clinton campaign.

ignorance is the enemy
without equality there is no liberty
Save America - Lock Trump Up!!!!