My read about the election is that some people have felt unlistened to for many years and voting for Trump was a vote for the outsider and in that a way to be heard. I remember that in my lifetime there was much more blatant racism, misogyny and gender limitation. That would be consistent with Trump just saying outlandish things having to no idea what to do about governing.

As painful as it will be, maybe it is better for the bigots tp come out of their closet and say what they feel. I think we need to face the reality of a highly prejudiced nation that is far from the ideal we keep pretending we are,

It will take hard work and probably suffering to move more of us to what we hippies sought then last time we faced ourselves. But this time we ought not prevail over bigotry but rather lift the veil of hatred and work hard to treat each other with respect.

My depression from this election comes from seeing what I thought were significant gains over the years since the 1950's be wiped backwards to the hatred now, once again, exposed in our nature.

Life is a banquet -- and most poor suckers are starving to death -- Auntie Mame
You are born naked and everything else is drag - RuPaul