I would add ethanol to the list of common sense things to fix. Its not good for the environment, its not good for your engine, it has raised the price of corn worldwide, and its costs us a pile of money and makes no sense.

Another addition would be to pass a law to force political advertisers to put their name(s) on their ads.

Citizens united. The decision was based on a 1971 (I think) decision (Buckley v. Valeo). Its also interesting that even the supremes said that the congress had the right to pass legislation to force them that politically advertise to put their real name(s) on it. Both parties have tried to fix this one, when they were in power, both failed.

A reminder. https://www.opensecrets.org/ will tell you who/what is spending the money on who.

Last edited by jgw; 10/18/17 07:49 PM.