You are right. If I remember correctly the tv news was once thought to be part of their public service for using the airwaves. Then can the net which did not use the airwaves and it all came apart (competition, ratings, get the money stuff). I will repeat, again, the difference between left and right. Liberals believe that people need regulation and, without it, will melt it all down. The conservatives, on the other hand, actually believe that people will always act correctly if just given a chance. I know, its not really logical but there you have it. Right now the right has the bit in their teeth and are doing whatever they can to allow people to do the right thing, act in their own best interest, and be free! If the members of the left can't get over not getting their own personal way, continue to fight over little stuff, put up lousy candidates, have no consistent goals or plans they too are doomed. I believe the left has the chance to be the party of the middle but they gotta take hold of their party and use a lot of common sense. Right now their main thrust seems to be to collect all the money they can. I remember when Hillary was running. My wife was making cold calls for them and some other stuff. She noticed that there were no Hillary signs in town so asked for one to put up and was told that would be 25.00 please. She gave up. If the Dems had more interest in getting money than winning what was the use.

Anyway, perhaps, if the left can actually take back gov (they are the obvious choice of those who actually wants gov to govern (rarely mentioned by the Dems)) perhaps they can actually put some stuff on the books that make sense. Then, again, they have been in charge before and just can't quite actually get together long enough to actually get much important stuff done. They could not, for instance, pass the truth in political advertising forcing them that paid for the ads to put their names on them, seems the unions didn't like that idea.

One last thought. Why in the world, given all the press the ACA (Obomacare) gets one would think that either the media, or one of the sides would mention that the ACA was amended, by the Republicans, with more than 160 amendments. These have been denigrated far and wide (something the Republicans are REALLY good at!) as not having much to do with the ACA. Think about it! 160+ amendments and they made no difference to the bill. I can remember, at the time, when those amendments resulted in, literally, hundreds of pages added to the bill.