It goes without saying that the advocacy for an all volunteer army was largely a result of the gates commission. Some of the leading advocated that gave testimony to congress on the benefits of it were Milton Friedman and Allen Greenspan.
Within a decade of the Vietnam war concluding and the country having to do some collective soul searching the military was tanned, rested and ready to have another little adventure with it's new volunteer force in a little country called Grenada.
Today most americans can't tell you how many Iraqis, Afghani's or Syrians have been killed in all this volunteer military adventurism. I can only tell you that the death tolls keep growing with each new one. It has been argued that we have made a mockery of the Nuremberg War crimes trials. The major pretext for the criminality was military aggression of one country towards another country.
We seem to not remember nor care as long as the flat screens are on sale and gas is cheap. Our military has been given a green light go.
Hell, its starting to morph into some kind of judeo-christian fighting force to be revered.