As far as the tax thing is concerned. I am for whatever they can come up with that is seen fair to all with absolutely no favorites. I am also for EVERYBODY in the country paying taxes, not hidden taxes but taxes understood to be going to the government to pay the bills. I would, naturally, expect that the poor would pay very little - but they would pay something. Right now, from what I can tell, half the country pays no taxes for one reason or another. If you are not supporting your capitalist country, with some of your capital/money then you are not supporting your country. I think that should be a rule. To give a damn, about just about anything, you have to have some skin in the game.

My reason for supporting a national sales tax is because that seems to be more fair. I also support taxation by all taxing districts; federal, state, county, city, etc. The devil, of course, is in the details. A perfect system, of course, is unlikely to exist but I also believe that those with the big bucks should contribute more than those with few bucks. Those with billions, for instance, should be taxed accordingly (I can remember the mythic 50's, where many want to return. They tend to forget that them with the big buck paid really big taxes (up to 85% of income)). If they buy more stuff than them without much then they would, by definition, be paying more than those with little. I would also think that paying taxes on EVERY transaction is the best way (and might even get rid of some middlemen who are unnecessary). the trick would be setting the sales taxes. For instance (this will stir up some) everytime a stock is sold there should be some kind of tax on that sale. It could be, for instance, only a penny per trade but it would be something (and I, incidentally, trade a bit now and then and would not think that to be onerous. On the other hand the big boys who do a million computerized trades a day might find it onerous and my response to that one would be "tough s**t"). There is also problems from state and fed in that states are being forced to spend more and more because the fed is supporting less and less. All in all this is a seriously pesky problem and, as far as I can tell, the current Republican solutions are just plain silly. The only good that will come of their efforts is that there is likely to be a BIG change in congress if they continue down their dusty pot holed road to self destruction (this assumes the electorate will actually be capable of acting in their own self interest).

Last edited by jgw; 11/02/17 08:02 PM.