Florida Attorney General McCollum (D) was the keynote speaker at the Holmes County Republican (R) Party's bi-annual Reagan Day Dinner this past Thursday, Sept.6. I didn't learn about this affair until Friday, Sept. 7, when I read about it in the local weekly, Sept 5 edition, that AG McCollum would be there as well as US Rep Jeff Miller (as useless as a miniskirt on a nun)and State Rep Don Brown (the miniskirt's fashion accessory- shoes or a handbag). If I had know about this dinner beforehand, I would have been there. At any rate, a few discreet cursory inquiries by AG McCollum should have substantiated my condensed, sanitized, and understated charges. which I've provided enough evidence to prove nevermind investigate. Hopefully- at the risk of appearing cynical- the Honorable follows the rule of law and wasn't there to tell the good 'ol boys "not to worry" and "it's taken care of." After all, Florida is not a Banana Republic ruled by some Dixie Mafia or is it? If these are my "freedoms" that our troops are fighting to protect in Iraq, then I say that the war is over and bring them home!
