
Sorry to hear about your problems with comcast and the Dept of Agriculture. I'll bet that more than one-half the "views" are by government agencies and other interested parties. I sent direct evidence of illegal electronic surveillance to State Attorney Steve Meadows. State Attorney Meadows wouldn't even acknowledge the evidence provided or respond to my Public Record Requests. At least Assistant State Attorney Lewis did with I suspect a little prodding from then AG Charlie Crist and wrote that there was "no basis to my charges." ASA Lewis is a liar and covering-up. Yesterday I received a letter, dated 9-12-07, from Assistant Attorney General Joslyn Wilson regarding the status of my request for mediation to obtain my closed case file from the SAO. I want to see the basis for ASA Lewis' determination and the nature of his "inquiries." On 8-28-07 AAG Wilson contacted Mr. Lewis with a request that she be notified by 9-5-07 if mediation would be helpful in resolving this dispute. (Coincidentally, AG McCollum was the featured keynote speaker at the bi-annual Bonifay Republican Reagan Day Dinner on 9-6-07.) The mediation program is voluntary and requires participation of both parties. I'm willing. Mr. Lewis for obvious reasons isn't. AAG Wilson wrote that Mr. Lewis hasn't replied so she's closing her case file. Now that's efficiency! So much for government accountability and transparency.
