This entire thing seems very strange.
You can catch it from somebody with no symptoms.
We don't have a way to test for it but then we do, then maybe we do
The death rate seems to be 3% but, according to others that may be true
Nobody has ever explain just, exactly, what it does. I think it has something to do with the lungs - not sure.
We have a cure, we don't have a cure, we have one but its not tested, we have one that is brand new technology.
We will have a test ready - sometime.......
We have invented a cure but not sure it works.

This stuff goes on and on. There are a LOT of maybe, perhaps, pretty soon, new tech, kills but not really, kills a lot, kills, but not a lot. It just goes on and on and on. My suspicion is that it will all level off once we are actually dealing with it. I watched one guy, yesterday, I think. Who was supposed to be an expert. He said; "we have no tests", "we do have tests but they need to be tested", "we are trying to import test pacs", it will be a couple of months to test the test pacs before we really start making test pacs.

When you add it all up I am no longer convinced that anybody really knows what the hell is going on. its kinda like a terrible thing that is coming and we need to be prepared for it but we just don't know what it is. This sounds a bit like folks talking about them pesky aliens that come and go?