IF she doesn't endorse Bernie she's not a true progressive?
No one but Bernie is a true progressive. When he's gone there will be none left. True Scotsmen are hard to come by too....

I've heard a rumor that Her people and Bernie's people are talking. We'll see if anything comes of it. It won't matter much since both are toast as far as this election is concerned. Biden appears to be the shoo-in at this point. Were there shenanigans? I think so...

Bloomberg's late entry when Biden began to stumble and his dumping of half a billion dollars into centrist advertising served to conflate Biden with Bloomberg. Spread the message of safe conservative centrist policies and turn the tide against the populist uprising.

They did it fair and square. If this was a game, their strategy was impeccable. Beto's endorsement alone might have swung Texas(his father in law is a billionaire) but voter suppresion played a part there too...

There's a million arguments but the moderates appear to have things under control at this point. I'll leave the top line blank or vote third party if there is someone I'd like to throw a bone.

I stand by my belief that we are better off re-electing Trump than electing Biden.

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...