Originally Posted by jgw
I just heard, on the radio, about the development of the coronavirus vaccine. Somebody asked one of the developers if it will be affordable. They said it was out of their hands and dependent on what it costs to develop and manufacture. Then the question became "are you developing this or are our universities" and, apparently, the interview kinda went away. What that was all about was that our tax dollars support and create a lot of our drugs and vaccines. Then the drug companies get to claim it as theirs, for a minimal amount, price it and sell it and get richer so they can afford their lobbyists to keep it going.

Here is a link that kinda explains how our taxes pay for it and don't get a lot back for the money spent.

Just another example of why we should not trust our own government!

You're acting as if this is playing in the government's favor?
I vigorously suggest that you might be 180 degrees out of phase with that assertion, and I am arguing that the lobby groups and special interests are forcing the government's hand in the process and getting one over on Uncle Sam repeatedly instead.

They've been getting away with it for so long that they now not only feel entitled, they have an army of Grover Norquists drowning the government in the bathtub specifically so that nothing will be done in the way of pushback. If these agencies want their funding messed with, just piss off the wrong congress critter who is beholden to Big Pharma.

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