Live hot mic moment immediately following Trump's COVID-19 speech to the nation says it all.


He is not ready to admit that he's stymied by it. He has only had one or two public "Paper Towel Photo Ops" and that is not nearly enough.
One more rally and the Real Trump will return full force, blaming it on Obama or the Democrats again.

He never will be ready to admit he is beaten by this, and if our ("Trump's federal") response to this pandemic continues to be as monotone and petulant as Trump's teleprompter speech tonight, this nation will witness and be forced to accept the unthinkable.
What "final solution" will we hear about that will be defended by his cronies in the GOP Congress?
We already heard the voice of the free markets, Rick Santelli, suggesting that everyone be purposely infected with it.

Trump is highly suggestible. All Santelli has to do is contribute to his campaign and Trump will try to revisit that suggestion seriously.
Maybe it will be ultimately shot down, but how sure are we? How sure are we that Trump won't suggest it, and how sure are we that Mitch McConnell won't be ready and willing to be the tip of the spear? How sure are we that we have any patriots left in the GOP Senate who will push back hard enough?

If this gets really bad, don't expect Morgan Freeman to sing America a lullaby.
In the real COVID-19 "movie", we don't get Morgan Freeman farewells on a great national tragedy, nor do we get the bookend where we come out resilient on the other side, with Morgan ready to lead us to our salvation, like in Deep Impact.

We get a raging madman, acting out The Poseidon Adventure only he invited the Tidy Bowl Man to come and watch instead of the Pandemic Response Team, which he FIRED.

"The Best of the Leon Russell Festivals" DVD