I can speak as someone that's been afflicted with and now volunteers for a support group for multiple diseases being spread thru climate change.

Most of those afflicted consider the CDC to be fully captured by capital interests. It's infuriating to see new victims coming in for information and reassurance that they are not going bat sh!t crazy about their doctor or for profit health insurance. You get used to the pattern but your hatred grows for the politics and economics of our KenTacoHut health care industry and idiots that support this vicious system, politically and economically speaking.

The medical industry is completely commodified at this point so good luck with your technocratic competency coming in to assert itself. One wonders how much liberal means testing would be involved before the patient decides it would be easier to just succomb to the darkness than fill out another form, income verification, residency status etc that is so cherished by that class of people.

Without any foundational apparatus of public health and the intense consolidation and competition between regional market healthco turf's I don't see a timeline sufficient to meet the health challenges and economic shocks that are expected to rapidly grow in the coming weeks.

I do see much opportunity for Klien's disaster capitalism though. Good time to be in cash.