There are all sorts of problems with covid-19 One is that everybody is kinda ignorant and folks are still learning about it. They do not know, for instance, whether you can catch it again or not. For instance, if you have the flu you can catch it again. They are not the same but nobody knows if you can get it again.

there remains the testing problem. millions have been promised, many have been delivered, and most have been found flawed one way or another. Now the capitalists are involved to supply and, maybe, they will, nobody really knows (a hell of a lot about covid-19) Most of the rules coming down are specs and just in case - nobody seems to really know anything! All that seems to be known, right now, is that people are getting this and its not a good thing to get, even if you are young. Inspite of that, however, if you are over 75, and get it, you have a serious problem and belong to the largest group dying from it.

All that being said virtually every university in the United States are working on this thing. That means, to me, that eventually we are going to know a lot more about this one. Once that happens I fully expect to see solutions to the problem. I do know that there are several companies, right now, trying to develop a cure. If you google "covid-19 cure" you will see there are a LOT of companies, universities, etc. working on this one. The total, in Washington state is now over 790 and climbing. they think they can get up to 5000 tests a day! Here is a link to the University of Washington covid-19 test efforts: