Wonder why Trump is not sick yet? I am just waiting for it. Any day now.

I see Trump is making calls to his Evangelical supporter's groups urging them to fill their churches on Easter and then go back to work. The church part could do a lot of good, in terms of ending Evangelical support for Trump after a bunch of their elderly members die, but the younger ones might have a hard time going back to work. Many business that have shut down won't be anxious to have a mixed bag of the quick and the dead contaminating their workplaces.

We obviously need those antibody tests now! You only get to go back to work if you have a positive antibody test. That way even people still shedding some virus won't be able to infect their coworkers.

On another note: Individual isolation probably does not work unless your family has totally separate apartments. If you have pets moving between rooms, it won't work. This virus is SO contagious it gets transferred on the bottom of your shoes when you walk in common areas. You would have to be wearing full medical hazmat suits and following disinfection procedures when you enter another room to prevent cross infection. One benefit of family quarantine is that members with mild or asymptomatic cases can help care for people who are sicker.