You sure you won't need tippers, what with being out in the boonies and all?
Out here the chair is strictly for indoor use. I spend about 12-14 hours a day in this desk chair. Sometimes I move to a recliner for gaming. I'll get the tippers for while I'm learning to drive the chair so I don't go over backwards, once I've mastered wheelies and gained control of the thing I'll remove them. You can't go down a curb with them on the back or you'll wind up on your face. Custom manual chairs are extremely tipsy and have a really short wheelbase so they can have a tight turning radius. They aren't like those transport chairs for invalids. My upper body is fine, my arms and shoulders are strong. If I could just stop falling down even my back might heal. The legs aint coming back though.

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...