NEW RULE: The Vegas Rule

Vegas Rule: What happened in Vegas STAYS IN Vegas.

Any argument, fight or any other issues that tend to aggravation over stuff that happened OUTSIDE the Rant is PROHIBITED here.

Example: If you and another person had a fight or argument or any other hostilities outside The Rant, do not bring it up here, do not make mention of it at all.

AND: Any (non political) personal fight or argument that DOES arise here at The Rant will be immediately directed to Private Messaging and taken OFF the publicly accessible portions of the forum anyway.

Take it outside because it will not stay up where others can read it.
If anyone has a beef with another member that is not political, it does not belong at The Rant.

Continued and/or flagrant refusal to abide by the Vegas Rule carries escalating consequences. Just don't do it.

"The Best of the Leon Russell Festivals" DVD