I was watching the governor cuomo report this morning. The Navy sent the Comfort to New York to handle hospital patients that do NOT have Covid-19. The reasoning is that the Navy figures they simply don't have the ability to disinfect the Covid-19 from the ship after its done with Covid-19. There is, however, a problem. Seems that New York doesn't have all that many no-Covid-19 problems. This is pretty interesting. I live in a small town of 19,000 We have the county hospital here. We also, at the present time, have 8 people with Covid-19 (as far as anybody knows and all 8 are currently not in the hospital). The hospital is expecting Covid-19 patients but they are not here yet and the hospital is not reducing staff because they knows its coming. Oh, as far as I know 7 of those infected came from outside the area and only one is from spread) The problem is that they don't have all that many patients! (they stopped all non-necessary operations, etc).

This is a problem and, I suspect, its a problem nationwide (except for those states not doing the distance thing thereby guaranteeing that they will have a Covid-19 disaster on their hands pretty soon)

I wonder if they should return to doing non-necessary operations?