Here is a report on the county I live in:
COVID-19 in Clallam County
# of tested in Clallam County 623
# of negative 561
# of positive 11
# of pending 51
# of recovered **Updated weekly** 6

As you can see we are, now, all the way up to 11, 6 of which are recovered. This is, I suspect, a really good place to be right now. I always knew there was a good reason to be living in a somewhat isolated place. Our hospital is in trouble because they can't do regular operations and are considering laying off some of the hired help. I am also not sure why when they have a lot of space!

Years ago I remember when there were battles going on over Canadian healthcare and American healthcare. This included a bunch of stories about how the Canadians were flooding down here for their healthcare (all bogus). Anyway, our hospital board, in their infinite wisdom, decided they wanted a bit of that business so they changed the name of the hospital, added even more beds, and started advertising in Victoria. They never were able to entice a single Canadian down here (we have a ferry that goes to Victoria, BC every day (except now, and has been shut down due to Covid-19). I am writing this as an example of how baloney can find homes in the darnedest places. (if it can happen here it can happen anywhere?)