Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
Somebody has opened a corona testing drive-thru at a local junior college parking lot. $125 for a virus RNA test and $75 for an antibody test. I think the antibody test is just the finger-prick little plastic block thingie from China. Not very specific: Like maybe 90%. I read that Stanford has an antibody test that proved 100% specific on a test sample.

Friday I will finally get an antibody test to determine if what I and the family went through really was COVID-19 once and for all.

If what I/we went through (but esp me, because I got the sickest) WAS NOT COVID-19, then I am going to be positively absolutely TERRIFIED.
I say that because I got so sick that I was actually "getting my affairs in order".
I honestly almost didn't make it, and if that was not the dreaded COVID virus then I seriously will not survive it if it is worse than what I had.

So I am actually hoping that what I caught WAS that stupid virus, so I can breathe a sigh of relief knowing I survived it instead of spending the next several months cowering in fear of what might be next. I am sincerely hoping that what we ALL caught WAS this virus so that we can all exhale and know we went through the fire and came out okay.
I have never experienced anything so awful in my life, not in sixty-three years.

So if COVID-19 is worse, I cannot see how I would survive it.
I will be so relieved if I find out that it was.

The test is eighty-five bucks.

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