Anyone else laughing

This is like when the Texas assembly passed a bill making pi equal to 3. They can protest all they want for the right to kill themselves. Okay, we need an option for Trump fans who are willing to die for no reason. They are welcome to go back to work, as far as I'm concerned because it would improve the country if they were dead.

Now for something completely different: Covid-19 patients who are dying, mostly die from something called cytokine storm. This is when their immune system goes nuts and releases some bad chemicals that do berserker-level damage. Attacks the lungs, heart, liver, kidneys, etc. There is right now a drug trial and many individual cases of doctors giving cytokine storm patients a drug called Actemra. It's a standard Rheumatoid Arthritis immunosuppressive, that apparently blocks interleukin-6 which is the main driver of cytokine storms. It does not interfere with the body's production of antibodies! It's brought several of these patients back from near-death, and their own antibodies then clear the virus.