I'm not being quite that careful because I don't think I need to be.
Nobody around here has it, nobody knows anybody that has had it, the hospital has had a few cases and probably a few deaths, but it aint like it's "something that's going around" and everybody's getting it.
It's dangerous still but I'm hoping the curve remains flat in my little town.

My brother and his wife have been here twice to deliver groceries and I've had a handful of physical therapy people here and a wheelchair specialist. I haven't taken any special precautions and most were happy I asked them to remove their masks. I'm pretty deaf and even with my hearing aids I've gotta see your mouth before I can tell what you're saying.

They say it's a problem everywhere, nobody knows what anybody's saying so everybody's pulling their masks aside to be understood.
First thing they do when they walk in is ask how you feel and take your temperature.

Did you know that it takes 16-20 weeks for Medicare to approve a wheelchair? I needed this wheelchair last October. I'm a stubborn stubborn man and by the time I admitted I couldn't walk I really couldn't walk. I'm still doing it but these legs are trying to kill me.

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...