Earlier Deaths Than Reported

Coroners are doing SARS-COV2 testing an people who died and in Santa Clara, California they have found bodies of people who died on February 6th and February 17th with virus present. If you think about the reported case fatality rate reports recently, this means there were at least several hundred cases in California at the time. It would be interesting if coroners all over California could test the remains of everybody who died during February, so we had a better picture.

In other news, Missouri has filed a lawsuit against China for doing exactly what Trump has done. It's just "excite-the-base" fodder, since Republicans are now trying to cast blame on China to obscure the failings of the Trump Administration. But it would be hilarious if the defense called Trump as a witness in the International Court, to talk about how China's actions differed from his. The real difference is they tried covering it up and discounting it's serious nature for a few weeks, while Trump is still doing that.