I use a bread machine for mixing and kneading but I like to shape the loaf and bake it myself. I dropped close to $400 on groceries today. I forgot Buttermilk at Publix so I hadda swing by the poor people's store. I got the buttermilk and some chicken paws and pork tails. They had all sorts of wonderfoul Q-Rations! Canned pulled pork, can you imagine that? It's pretty good and there's enough for two sandwiches in the can. The chicken paws are for making bone broth, lots of collagen. After I simmer them for 24 hours I feed them to the chickens. The dog gets the pork tails.

I got five pounds of store brand flour. I find that I'm not snooty at all about flour when there's only one bag on the shelf.

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...