Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
That's what I thought until I saw the video about the polybasic furin cleavage site PRRA somehow getting into the Sars-COV2 gene sequence. The facts that this kind of enhanced ability to jump into humans was exactly what they were seeking at the Wuhan lab, and that inserting that sequence for that reason has been reported in several journal papers over the last few years, is just to much of a coincidence.

Virologists are claiming we don't have the ability, when we clearly do, and claiming accidents never happen when they clearly do, makes me fairly suspicious.

Why WOULDN'T the world want to know the why and how when it comes to gain of function studies on zoonotic virii transmission to humans? Whether we do the research ourselves, or the Chinese do it, or they do it with our help, or without, research like that IS going to be done, somewhere, by someone anyway.

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