Dietary zinc is readily available in all sorts of foods, meat; eggs, dairy, beans, nuts, grains, etc. As long as you eat a balanced diet you should get all the zinc you need without supplements.

And there is the gut microbiome to consider. The healthier it is the better your immune system is going to be. Dumping excessive amounts of a metal that is known to kill microbiota into your gut seems like a stupid thing to do. Diarrhea is often the result of over-consumption of zinc, which tells me that you've probably just wrecked you gut bacteria. Gut bacteria is 85% of your immune system.

I'm always suspicious of supplementation, especially when the body has whatever it is in abundant supply already. Just because you put it into your stomach does not mean your body will absorb it and use it the way you want it to.

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...