All that because I forgot to put the generalizing sentence in quotes.

My bad, sorry.

Even those Doritos might deliver some zinc. It's that easy to come by nutritionally. I'm about to cook up some carrots and kale and make Auntie Fee's chicken wings. All of which will deliver zinc, While I'm cooking it I'll snack on Fritos dipped in Dukes Mayonaise.

You're taking a healthy(ish) dose of zinc but you can rest assured than many will be taking megadoses in the belief that more is better.
I remember when megadoses of vitamin C were the go to whenever you got a cold, then somebody said it was zinc, we all got on the zinc bandwagon. The president said drink bleach and they did! They injected fish tank cleaner and died. Everything that boosts immunity and treats other vial infections is being thrown at Covid. Nothing yet has proven effective. Even this latest one is no magic bullet.

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...