I'm taking 30 mg of zinc per day, myself, and I'm pretty big on prophylaxis against SARS-COV2. Eastern Virginia says take a lot more. I will if I get exposed. Greger has the advantage of having a functional vegetable garden. Good idea!

Here's a fantastic Grand Rounds from UCSF:

UCSF Grand Rounds on Covid-19

Warning: It's over 90 minutes, but some of it is pretty amazing if you have the background to understand what they are talking about. Some of the specialized stuff was over my head. One thing I got from it was the former head of infectious disease at a big pharma company and professor emeritus saying Remdesivir was useless once people get hospitalized. (Like I've been saying.) That's inflammatory response time and most viral replication is over. The work they did on identifying useful existing drugs was just incredible.

The fun fact was that patients dump a LOT of viral RNA into the sewage system, though it is not infectious for some reason. In Spain they monitored each neighborhood's sewage to identify where they needed to hunt for outbreaks!