Greger has the advantage of having a functional vegetable garden. Good idea!
No I don't. I don't even like vegetables and I've been too crippled up to garden for years. But I eat them. It isn't hard to chop them up and cook them. Add enough butter and cream, herbs and spices and even vegetables are tolerable. They offer textural variations and different flavor profiles to make meals interesting even when you must always dine alone. A "balanced diet" means you serve every meal with a protein, a starch, and a vegetable. Eat salads for the fiber.
Eat living things! Eat fermented foods! Eat eggs for christ's sake, they are glorious little bundles of nutrition! Is it that freaking hard to eat some fruits, nuts, greens, tomatoes, beans,and whole grains?

Vitamin D? Increase your dairy! Even fake dairy made from soaking your nuts in water has vitamin D added, Lactose intolerant? Use Lactaid or Fairlife. Eat cheese, even a cheap slice of processed sandwich cheese has vitamin D. Eggs have vitamin D. A daily walk or cup of tea on the lanai has vitamin D. Get your ass outside.

Too busy to worry about your health? Fine, I honestly don't give a f*ck whether YOU live or die, but I take good care of myself and eat properly. I plan to live a very long time despite genetic health issues.

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...